Hemp is Hip & Historic-Take It from George Washington

Hemp is Hip & Historic-Take It from George Washington

You may think that CBD products are a “new” thing. Not so! Hemp has been grown and used in America since the beginning. In fact, George Washington, our first President, was a big fan! Hemp has always been important in the American economy and way of life. Today’s CBD products take history and patriotic traditions to a new level of effective healing and elevated holistic health.

CBD and Sex

CBD and Sex
The use of CBD during sex has offered benefits to couples for centuries! Cannabis has played a role in Tantric sex in the Hindu culture for thousands of years as well as Buddhism and Indian cultures.. 

How Does CBD Work?

How does CBD oil work?

The effect on our body is really very easy to explain. Humans have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) and many other receptors. This system affects the time and intensity of pain, the effectiveness of the immune system or the depth and relaxation of sleep.