Leveling Up Your Skincare Routine

Leveling Up Your Skincare Routine

The CBD skincare industry is booming, with new brands and products entering the market at an unprecedented rate. Fueling this growth are the many natural benefits CBD has on our skin, the most significant being CBD’s ability to combat acne, dryness, and aging. With these incredible benefits, new CBD products are popping up left and right- from drug store brands to designer skin care lines. 

However, if you are interested in reaping these benefits without investing in a whole new collection of skincare products, you’re in luck. You can easily add CBD oil to your favorite sunscreen, face mask, or lotion and harness the same effects. Simply premix your CBD into the entire bottle or jar, or mix it daily in your hands.  For smaller areas like your face, a drop or two is all you need. Read on to learn more about how CBD can level up your skin health.

With Change Comes Wellness

With Change Comes Wellness

Canna River recently launched a bright new look for their packaging and overall brand. These changes come with exciting new products, including a line of Delta-8 items and updated tincture flavors. In honor of this, we decided to take a closer look at the effects and benefits of change. 

If the past 17 months has taught us anything, it’s taught us to adapt to frequent changes and uncertainty. From large-scale changes brought on by a global pandemic, to small shifts in our daily routine, change can be unfamiliar and stressful. Despite this discomfort, change also produces incredible benefits of wellness. Below, we will outline the benefits of change and how it is essential to growth.

Can CBD Help Get You Into Shape?

Can CBD Help Get You Into Shape?

If you are anything like us, your summer wardrobe might be fitting a bit more snugly this year than in the past (…thanks Covid). Now that things are opening up, and gyms and fitness classes have returned, many people are motivated to get back into shape. But how can CBD fit into your new health … Read more

Make a Splash with Summer Hydration Tips

Make a Splash with Summer Hydration Tips

One of the most underrated- and under practiced- wellness habits is one of the most simple- hydrating! Staying well-hydrated is important all year round- but particularly in the summer- when people tend to sweat more and are more active.

CBD at the Olympics

CBD at the Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics are only days away and the news has been filled with headlines and updates about this much anticipated event. One of the larger headlines has been the shocking disqualification of American sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson. The 21-year-old athlete was expected to star at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, but was suspended and barred from competing in Tokyo after testing positive for marijuana. This news prompted  many debates around doping rules, and led many to wonder about the specific Olympic regulations surrounding marijuana and CBD.

CBD for ADHD: Can CBD Help with ADHD Symptoms?

Can CBD Help with ADHD Symptoms?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects nearly 10% of children and 3% of adults worldwide. ADHD symptoms include low focus, poor concentration, and short attention spans, and often results in high levels of anxiety and depression for many patients.


Treatment for ADHD often includes strong medication and therapy. However, natural options like CBD have been growing in popularity in recent years. CBD can help mental clarity by interacting with ECS receptors throughout the brain and nervous system to regulate many body processes, including stabilising energy levels, reducing hyperactivity, and improving focus. In particular, CBD oil can ease anxiety and stress, a major symptom of ADHD as noted above.

3 Ways CBD Can Help Your Dog

3 Ways CBD Can Help Your Dog

CBD products are one of the fastest-growing trends in the pet industry. As a result, a large number of owners are coming into contact with CBD for dogs for the first time. With so many newcomers, and so much information out there to absorb, it can be hard to get clear on exactly what CBD is and how it can support dogs’ health and wellbeing. A few months ago, we wrote an overview on CBD + Pets, providing research, products, and case studies. Here, we will specifically detail three ways in which CBD can help your dog:

Trending Now: CBD Gummies

CBD-Infused Gummies

Summer is hot, and so are CBD gummies! As one of the most convenient – and tasty- ways to take CBD, CBD gummies are becoming increasingly popular. They’re easy to dose, portable, discreet, and taste great, making them a great option for CBD novices and newbies alike.

Benefits and Side Effects of CBD Oil

Benefits and Side Effects of CBD Oil

CBD continues to make headlines in the fields of wellness and medicine, from research findings, to product innovations, and consumer reviews. We continue to uncover the incredible health benefits of CBD, and CBD oil in particular. Below we will highlight the benefits, as well as the side effects,  of CBD oil: